Here is Some new updates from tablet world, now recent news Coming that Microsoft is Going to Release on Windows 8 based tablet. rumor coming that Microsoft is working on own brand tablet PC witch will run on Windows 8.
Recently Digitimes has Reported about this that, Microsoft is prepping its own brand of Windows 8 tablets, with a little help from Texas Instruments and a number of different Taiwanese OEMs/ODMs.
According to Digitimes,
Facing Apple’s iOS and App Store successful assistance in helping iPhone and iPad to gain shares in the smartphone, tablet PC and even PC market, while Google has also been working aggressively on developing operating systems and establishing its own supply chain alliance, Microsoft plans to copy its branding strategy from product lines such as Xbox 360, Zune, Kin smartphone and TV, to compete in the tablet PC segment.
Stay tune with us for more Details, We will update you with more information about Windows 8 based tablet.